Nel Cor Piu Non Mi Sento Translation

Nel cor piu non mi sento translation – In the realm of literature and music, the enigmatic phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” has captivated hearts and minds for centuries. This phrase, meaning “I no longer feel in my heart,” invites us on a profound journey into the labyrinthine depths of human emotion.

From its literal translation to its rich figurative interpretations, “nel cor piu non mi sento” unveils the complexities of the human experience.

As we delve into the nuances of its meaning, we discover a tapestry of cultural influences and historical contexts that have shaped its significance. Literary works, musical compositions, and artistic representations have immortalized this phrase, giving it a timeless resonance that transcends linguistic and cultural boundaries.

Literal Translation

A literal translation of “nel cor piu non mi sento” from Italian to English is “in the heart I do not feel anymore”.

The phrase is grammatically structured as follows:

  • “nel” (in)
  • “cor” (heart)
  • “piu” (more)
  • “non” (not)
  • “mi sento” (I feel)

Figurative Interpretation

The phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” is a figurative expression that transcends its literal meaning. It delves into the realm of emotions, conveying a profound sense of inner turmoil and the loss of one’s emotional center.

Within the cultural and historical context of Italian literature, the heart has been a symbol of emotions, passion, and the core of one’s being. Thus, “nel cor piu non mi sento” implies that the speaker no longer feels whole or in control of their emotions.

It suggests a state of emotional fragmentation and a loss of connection with one’s inner self.

Emotional Fragmentation

The phrase captures the experience of emotional fragmentation, where one’s emotions feel scattered and disconnected. The speaker may feel overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, unable to process or make sense of them. This fragmentation can lead to a sense of disorientation and confusion, as if one has lost their emotional compass.

Loss of Emotional Center

The expression also conveys a loss of emotional center. The speaker feels disconnected from their core emotions, as if they have lost touch with their true feelings. This can result from various experiences, such as trauma, grief, or emotional suppression.

Without a stable emotional center, individuals may struggle to make decisions, regulate their emotions, or form meaningful connections with others.

Literary Analysis: Nel Cor Piu Non Mi Sento Translation


The phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” (translated as “I feel it no more in my heart”) has been employed in several literary works, where it serves as a potent narrative device. Its usage impacts character development, the exploration of themes, and the creation of an evocative atmosphere within the literary landscape.

Character Development

In literature, the phrase often reflects the emotional turmoil and inner conflicts experienced by characters. By expressing the loss of a profound emotion, it signifies a significant turning point in their emotional journey. The phrase captures the transition from a state of intense feeling to a profound sense of emptiness or detachment.

Theme Exploration

The phrase contributes to the development of various themes within literary works. It can symbolize the fleeting nature of emotions, the loss of hope or passion, or the disillusionment with life’s expectations. By highlighting the transformative power of emotional experiences, it explores the complexities of the human condition.

Atmospheric Creation

The phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” often evokes a sense of melancholy and loss. Its usage can create a somber or reflective atmosphere within the narrative, enhancing the emotional impact of the story. By conveying a sense of emptiness or detachment, it sets the tone for a poignant or introspective literary experience.

Musical Interpretations

The phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” has inspired numerous musical compositions, enhancing their emotional depth and resonance.

Operatic Arias, Nel cor piu non mi sento translation

In opera, the phrase has been used to express profound emotions, particularly in arias conveying love, longing, and heartbreak.

  • “Nel cor piu non mi sento” from Paisiello’s La Molinara: This aria is a classic example of the phrase’s use in opera, depicting a character’s tumultuous emotions and unrequited love.
  • “Mi batte il cor nel seno” from Rossini’s The Barber of Seville: While not featuring the exact phrase, this aria conveys a similar sentiment of love and longing, with the repetition of “Mi batte il cor nel seno” (“My heart beats in my chest”) emphasizing the intensity of emotion.

Classical Compositions

Classical composers have also incorporated the phrase into their works, adding depth and expressiveness to their compositions.

  • “Nel cor piu non mi sento” from Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23: This sonata features a movement based on the phrase, capturing the emotional turmoil and longing associated with it.
  • “Adagio con espressione” from Haydn’s String Quartet Op. 76, No. 3: This movement incorporates the phrase into its lyrical melody, evoking a sense of longing and contemplation.

Artistic Representations

Nel cor piu non mi sento translation

The profound emotions conveyed in “nel cor piu non mi sento” have inspired numerous artistic interpretations. These representations capture the essence of the song, evoking the turmoil, longing, and desperation it conveys.


Paintings depicting the song often feature solitary figures immersed in introspective contemplation. The use of dark, muted colors creates a somber atmosphere, reflecting the protagonist’s emotional turmoil. The brushstrokes convey a sense of urgency and agitation, capturing the internal struggle within.

  • In one painting, a woman is depicted sitting alone in a dimly lit room, her head in her hands. The shadows cast on her face accentuate her anguish and despair.
  • Another painting portrays a man standing on a desolate beach, the waves crashing against the shore. His body language suggests a sense of longing and isolation.


Sculptures inspired by the song often convey a sense of physical and emotional vulnerability. The use of fragile materials, such as glass or porcelain, emphasizes the fragility of the human heart.

  • One sculpture depicts a woman with her heart exposed, revealing the raw emotions within. The jagged edges of the sculpture suggest the pain and brokenness she experiences.
  • Another sculpture portrays a man holding his heart in his hands, as if trying to protect it from further harm.


Photography has also been used to capture the essence of the song. Black-and-white photographs often convey the starkness and isolation of the protagonist’s emotions.

  • One photograph shows a solitary figure standing in a vast, empty field, surrounded by a sense of emptiness and longing.
  • Another photograph depicts a person’s face, their eyes filled with tears, capturing the raw pain and vulnerability of heartbreak.

Through these artistic representations, “nel cor piu non mi sento” transcends its musical form, becoming a universal expression of the human experience of loss and despair. The symbolism and emotional resonance conveyed through these interpretations serve as a testament to the enduring power of art in capturing the complexities of the human heart.

Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Nel cor piu non mi sento translation

The phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” translates into various languages and cultures, carrying diverse meanings and emotional resonances. In English, it translates to “I feel it no more in my heart,” conveying a sense of detachment and emotional numbness.Across

different cultural contexts, the phrase evokes distinct interpretations. In Italian culture, where the phrase originates, it often expresses a profound sense of loss, longing, or heartbreak. The emotional weight associated with the phrase reflects the Italian emphasis on passion, love, and the importance of the heart in human experience.In

contrast, in English-speaking cultures, the phrase tends to convey a more stoic and pragmatic outlook. It suggests a sense of acceptance or resignation, acknowledging that certain emotions or feelings may have diminished over time. This difference in interpretation reflects cultural variations in emotional expression and coping mechanisms.Despite

these variations, the phrase “nel cor piu non mi sento” remains a powerful expression of human emotion, capturing the universal experience of loss, heartbreak, and the passage of time.


What is the literal translation of “nel cor piu non mi sento”?

The literal translation is “I no longer feel in my heart.”

What is the figurative meaning of “nel cor piu non mi sento”?

Figuratively, it conveys a sense of deep emotional loss, emptiness, or heartbreak.

In what literary works can we find “nel cor piu non mi sento”?

Examples include Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and Shakespeare’s “Othello.”